Skills AI

Skills AI
Type: Freemium

Introducing Skills AI, the revolutionary tool that allows you to chat with your data as if you’re conversing with your favorite data analyst. Say goodbye to the back-and-forth communication and welcome Data Chat, where you can directly ask your data questions on your own terms.

No more tedious hours spent on data compilation. With Skills AI’s Data Chat, your numbers are crunched and charts are generated within minutes, enabling you to complete your work faster than ever before.

Forget about repeated data pulls and ad hoc analyses. Say farewell to waiting for responses. Skills AI empowers your team with instant access to the data they need, precisely when they need it. This liberates you to focus on utilizing data to drive strategic decisions and uncover meaningful insights.

With Data Chat, your data team can step back from constant inquiries, allowing your colleagues to dive directly into the data. Simply upload your data set in a straightforward .csv format, share the unique link, and witness how the power of data-driven decision-making becomes readily accessible to your entire team.

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